Pharma Content Production, Reimagined.

Life science organizations’ rapid adoption of omnichannel marketing and personalised content requires accelerated production of fresh, relevant and updated content to drive engagement.

Shaman accelerates your organisation's content production, as it is the most intuitive platform, that content teams love to work with.

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Trusted by 2.500+ content creators from leading Life Science companies like:

Life science organisations have a content problem

Pharma companies’ accelerated shift toward digital and personalised engagement has created a multifold increase in the demand for fresh, relevant content to meet HCPs’ needs. Yet, pharma content teams struggle to efficiently produce and manage content at scale. Content creation is already a pain point, while multiple channels and personalization compounds that pain by requiring multiple versions of content.

Accelerating content production has never been easier.

Self Service
Our Guided Self Service platform empowers all users to easily create high quality multichannel Veeva CRM content,
in under 1 hour.
Shaman is fully integrated with Veeva Vault, removing all manual steps. We also simplify steps to validate and test content.
Users can easily share, find and reuse content within the entire organisation. We offer translation tools and support modular content.
Support Personalisation
Shaman Connect supports personalized messaging with brand stories, email tips and content suggestions for the field sales team.

High-impact sales content starts here.

We’d love to walk you through Shaman in a quick call. You’ll find out exactly how our CLM builder for Veeva CRM can help you shorten your time to market and win over more HCPs.

Shaman Guide: 7 Secrets to Modular Content

#1: Guided Self Service

The current process of content production is often unnecessary complex and tedious. Our platform automates what can be automated, and simplifies the content production process. We empower content teams to produce content themselves, giving back flexibility and control. This allows quick and high adoption of this process, one of the key success factors in using any software.
Interactive Detail Aids in hours,
not months
Empower your sales reps to get the highest-impact content in front of decision-makers with personalisable, no-code Detail Aids created for Veeva CRM.
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Rapidly create responsive, high-impact emails
Give your entire team the tools to create beautifully-branded, personalised emails for HCPs - no coding, outsourcing, or design skills required.
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Thank you Shaman for saving us so much time delivering assets to our teams.
Digital manager at Novartis

#2: Simplify the workflow

The current workflow of content production usually consists of 5 steps; from briefing, creation, approval and then production and testing. We have taken a fresh look at steps, which allowed to reduce the amount of steps, taking out many manual touch points and reduced the work to be done in some other steps. Overall, a simplified workflow allows content teams to create more content, respond faster and reduce time to market.
Fully integrated with
Veeva Vault
Shaman is purpose-built for Veeva Vault and works seamlessly when creating MLR documents, creating and linking multichannel html, and linking related documents in approved email. No more time needed to manually upload or update content in Veeva Vault. Shaman supports all options available in Veeva Vault and makes it easy for content teams to really use all that Veeva CRM has to offer.
Briefing, creation and production
can be one step.
Traditionally, the briefing, creation and production step are regarded different steps, as these activities are often done by different people and/or agencies. Shaman allows you to simplify this and do all three in just one step. With the help of brand design templates, or just reuse existing content from another brand team anywhere in the world, you can fast track content production.
Reduce time
testing content
Shaman offers a wide range of validators to make sure the content is set-up correctly before the user pushes the content to Vault. Next, Shaman offers different ways to preview the content you are creating. A partnership with Litmus also allows users to directly see how the email they created looks in selected real email clients, without leaving the platform.
The time to create an RTE in Shaman is similar to the time it takes to create a brief for the agency.
Brand manager at Almirall

#3: Reuse and repurpose content

Another great way to accelerate content production in your organisation is to reuse existing content. There is often a lot of great content available within the organisation, that is waiting to be reused and repurposed. You can either benefit from the power of internal content communities, reusing and localizing existing content in other markets. Or maybe you want to deploy modular content - very useful to repurpose content modules between channels and markets. Shaman supports both strategies.
Translate content rapidly with AI
Machine Learning algorithms help you translate your CLM and email content to 100+ languages - in only a few minutes. While it isn’t yet 100% accurate, your team will save dozens of hours of manual translation and be able to deploy to local markets quicker.
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Bring modular content to your content teams
View the organisation as a group of communities, people that are connected through brands and disease areas. You can give them the ability to follow super-creators and like their work. You can easily
Unleash the power
of communities
View the organisation as a group of communities, people that are connected through brands and disease areas. You can give them the ability to follow super-creators and like their work. You can showcase work in a community gallery and make it easy to duplicate, translate and further localise the content.
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Capability to share Global content with local markets is important for us, each market can then duplicate, adapt and publish the content much easier than before Shaman
IT program manager at Novartis

#4: Personalise content

It’s clear that the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to HCP engagement is no longer adequate. Different HCPs have very different preferences and needs in terms of the information they want, when they want it and how they want it. Successful organizations will be the ones that seamlessly provide personalized experiences.
Supercharge your CLM to personalise during every call
Shaman Connect offers a series of complementary features to personalise messaging during every call in Veeva CRM: mini brand stories, slide selections, an email basket and email tips. All to help the rep to personalise every call and maximize impact.
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It’s time to connect the field sales team with marketing.
Shaman Integrated provides your sales reps with the tools to consistently prepare for calls and deliver personalised, impactful presentations to HCPs. And a data dashboard means you’ll have game-changing customer insights - at your fingertips.
Shaman adds value to our sales rep and sales managers by showing customer data in a clear and actionable way
SFE director at AstraZeneca

High-impact sales content starts here.

We’d love to walk you through Shaman in a quick call. You’ll find out exactly how our CLM builder for Veeva CRM can help you shorten your time to market and win over more HCPs.